Building Transparency and Robustness of AI/ADM Management in the Public Sector

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Our Foundation is constantly working on disseminating good standards in the management of AI/ADM systems in the public sector. We encourage you to read a discussion paper “Building Transparency and Robustness of AI/ADM Management in the Public Sector” by Iwona Karkliniewska – AI Researcher at the Moje Państwo Foundation. The document will be presented by the Foundation at the 1st workshop on AI for Public Administration co-located with 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2022), in Udine, Italy, on November 28 - December 2, 2022.


Artificial Intelligence algorithms are widely used by the private and public sectors worldwide. The experience of technologically leading countries in the use of AI in public administration and the judiciary, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, points to many advantages and efficiencies in decision-making. However, in many cases, the application of algorithms and the implementation of the AI and automated decision making (ADM) management processes ignores the social and legal impact on individuals. 

The European Commission has set itself the ambitious goal of regulating the use of AI/ ADM systems in the digital market by adapting and harmonising the rules in the so-called AI ACT. Work on the harmonisation of the provisions of the regulation has taken two years and is controversial in the context of the protection of human rights and social balance, in particular in public administration. Therefore, the proposed topic requires a comprehensive analysis and discussion as regards an ethical approach to the use of AI/ADM, taking into account the protection of fundamental and civil rights based on the example of the proposed legal and ethical solutions in the European Union.